If you have seen enough and would like to get started, call me or text me. I'm happy to call you back when it's convenient for both of us. It will take a conversation to get this up and running as YOU would like to see it.
Or, if you have any question, please call or text me. I will be happy to answer anything you can throw at me.
Again, I'm not interested in pressuring you to get a sale. If it's right for you, you will know. And with our $1. trial, that really is the purpose of it; to get to know each other.
Not interested? Text me that. Just please let me know the names of your competitors, they might be interested. Think about that... Wouldn't you rather have this? You really should. It's a buck to find out if you like it.
I can't provide these services to everyone in town. While it won't be exclusive, it won't be offered to all either. I do reserve the right to deny service so the field doesn't get to crowded in any particular area.
At any rate, I thank you for your consideration and hope to be working with you in the near future!
Let's both say a little prayer for this country. She needs all the help we can give her right now!